Under-19 World Cup: Saumy Pandey, The Next Ravindra Jadeja?

Under-19 World Cup

Under-19 World Cup Update:  In the world of cricket, Saumy Pandey from Rewa is making waves with his control, versatility, and wicket-taking skills, drawing comparisons with the star all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja.

The Rising Star

Saumy Pandey, hailing from Rewa, has already made a name for himself as a left-arm spinner with impressive control, quick runs, and measured deliveries. His performances in the Under-19 World Cup have brought attention to his potential to follow in the footsteps of Ravindra Jadeja.

Skillful Bowling

Under-19 World Cup
Under-19 World Cup Saumy Pandey bowling

Pandey’s ability to take wickets quickly and accurately measure his runs has set him apart. His deliveries travel a clean line, and where he wants the ball to land, it lands. The ball often skids off the surface, moving away from the right-handed batsman, adding an extra layer of difficulty. His wiry frame and fiery spirit draw a subtle comparison to Ravindra Jadeja.

In the 2008 Under-19 World Cup, Jadeja showcased his breakout campaign, taking 17 wickets at an average of 8.47 with an economy rate of 2.44. While comparisons may seem unfair,Saumy Pandey’s father, Krishna Kumar Pandey, a Hindi teacher in a government school in Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh, believes that if people compare his son with Ravindra Jadeja, it won’t be entirely unjust. He highlighted Jadeja’s 16 years in cricket, achieving 100 wickets in his career and the hard work he put in to win games for India.

A Father’s Perspective

On the other hand, Saumy ‘s father mentioned, “He hasn’t achieved that first milestone in his career yet.” He emphasized the high standards he set for Soumya and the rigorous efforts required to reach this level. Despite being a Hindi literature teacher, Krishna Kumar Pandey insisted on setting a strict standard for his son. He stated, “If people compare him to Ravindra Jadeja, it won’t be right. Jadeja has played for sixteen years, achieved 100 wickets in his career, and worked hard to win many games for India,” as he explained his perspective.

Coaching Support

However, Saumy ‘s coach, Aril Antony, supported the comparison, praising Jadeja’s physical language and on-field acumen that mesmerized him. Antony made a concerted effort to make Soumya imitate Jadeja’s style daily. “He is born from the IPL generation. He has seen Jadeja grow and can’t be blamed for imitating his idol. I also think for him to reach Jadeja’s level, he needs to put in more effort,” Antony stated.

Doctor Turned Spinner

Saumy ‘s parents, both teachers, initially wished for him to become a doctor. “We wanted him to be a doctor. Like my daughter (Apurva Pandey), whose goal was always to pass the UPSC exams,” said Krishna Kumar Pandey. However, seeing his son’s passion for cricket, the Pandey family travels 35 kilometers from their village Bharatpur to Rewa daily so that Saumy can receive proper training. “When he was eight, we rented accommodation in Rewa to take him to Aril sir’s academy. Since then, he hasn’t turned back,” mentioned Pandey Senior.

Balancing Academics and Cricket

While the family was initially hesitant about the decision, Saumy ‘s talent in both academics and cricket convinced them. “I have tried to tell him that you have to score well if you want to play. He was sharp, and he scored well,” said Mr. Pandey with a smile. Soumya now aims to clear the intermediate exams and balance both studies and cricket.

Coach’s Advice

Aril Antony’s advice to Saumy was clear: “Don’t run behind money.” “I specifically told him that the IPL is only for entertainment. Instead, he should focus on giving his best in cricket. If he excels in first-class cricket,” Antony added.

Saumy ‘s performance, though a bit distant from the limelight of the IPL, has caught the attention of IPL scouts. After a victorious debut in the opening match against Bangladesh, where he claimed four wickets giving away only 24 runs, he received a call from an IPL franchise for a net bowler position.

IPL Aspirations

Saumy Pandey’s aspirations became evident when he asked his coach, “Sir, should I come to the IPL call?” Aril Antony, while surprised, reminded Saumy that the IPL is only for entertainment. Yet, Antony also acknowledged that if Saumy performs well in first-class cricket, the IPL will automatically come calling.

The IPL Impact

The IPL has become a crucial factor in shaping young talents. Saumy ‘s call from a franchise is a testament to the tournament’s role in recognizing and nurturing budding cricketers. His coach, despite his initial skepticism, now wishes for Saumy ‘s success and acknowledges that the real test will be in the finals.

Saumy Pandey Pandey has already played a fantastic Under-19 World Cup, and it remains to be seen if he can finish it on a high note, just like Ravindra Jadeja did in his U19 days. As the cricketing world watches, Saumy Pandey stands at the cusp of a promising future, and his journey will undoubtedly be one to follow with keen interest.

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