Bhai Dooj 2023: Keep these things in the plate while applying tilak to your brother on Bhai Dooj, and you will receive fulfillment and prosperity.

Bhai Dooj 2023

Bhai Dooj 2023 Puja Thali Samagri: The puja thali has special importance. Some items must remain in this plate. This plate is incomplete without it. Learn what aspects sisters should consider before applying tilak to their brothers. In different states it has some different name like Bhai Tika, Bhau Beej, Bhai Phonta, Bhratri Dwitiya

Tilak Time:

Following Diwali, the festival is observed on the second day of Shukla Paksha in the Kartik month. Yama Dwitiya is another name for it. Sisters apply tilak to their brother on this day and pray for his long life. According to Hindu beliefs, if a brother visits his sister’s home on this day and consumes food after applying tilak, he would not die prematurely.It is held on the 14th and 15th of November this year. Bhai Dooj’s puja thali is likewise considered highly significant. Keeping some things in this plate gives good fortune.

Keep these things in the puja plate of Bhai Dooj: Continue to pour vermillion, Akshat, flowers, betel nut, betel leaf, silver coin, dry coconut, Kalava, banana, sweets, Durva etc. in the puja plate .

Bhai dooj 2023

Prepare the puja thali for Bhai Dooj in this manner: Take a dish or thali first on the day of Bhai Dooj. Use a fresh plate if feasible. After that, clean it with Ganga water. Decorate it by inserting marigolds or other flowers. Then, one by one, place Roli, Kumkum, Akshat, Kalava, dry coconut, sweets, and so on in a small dish or plate. In addition, ignite a ghee lamp.

On Bhai Dooj, sisters should avoid making these mistakes:

  • It is considered good to apply Tilak to your brother on Bhai Dooj without eating anything.
  • On this day, be careful to look after Rahukaal. Tilak application during Rahukaal is considered unlucky.
  • Do not make your brother lie on the ground when doing Tilak; instead, have him sit on a chair, stool, or other piece of furniture and place a handkerchief or other cloth over his head.
  • On this day, neither sister nor brother should wear any black clothing.
  • On this day, do not argue among yourselves.
  • After applying Tilak to your brother on Bhai Dooj, perform Aarti at the end.

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